Laptop HighEnd SONY VAIO CR120E White Edition SOLD to ayu - Ubaya

Spesifikasi :
* Processor Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7100 - 1.8Ghz
* Memory 2GB DDR2 upgradeable up to 8 GB
* Kapasitas Hard Drive 160 GB
* Optica Drive DVDRW
* Sony HD WebCamera
* Display 14" Wide TFT colour display (VAIO Display Premium, LED backlight)
* Modem, Lan, Wifi,  USB 3X, Card Reader
* Intel® High Definition Audio 3D (Direct Sound 3D support)
* COA Windows Vista
* Installed Windows 7 + Aplikasi lainnya
* Baterai 2 jam++
* Segel lengkap dan utuh

Kondisi : Mulus 95% like new,  layar bening no dead pixel dan no jamur
Kelengkapan : Unit laptop,baterai dan charger (all original)
Harga : [sudah laku]
Call : 085.85.467.6000  / 0888.5143.716

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